- Contemporary Approaches to World Rock Art
- http://www.une.edu.au/Arch/ROCKART/MMRockArt.html
- International Federation of Rock Art Organizations
- http://www.cesmap.it/ifrao/ifrao.html
- Rock art Net
- http://www.rupestre.net/rockart/
> Southern African Rock Art (Steve Lonker web site)
Africa :
African Archaeology Virtual Library : http://www.african-archaeology.net
- African rock art
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/africa/index.html
- African Rock Art : Apollo 11 (ca.25,500-23,500 BC) and Wonderwerk (ca.8,000 BC) Cave stones - from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA) timeline
- http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/apol/hd_apol.htm
- Dabous rock in the Air Mountains of Niger, Africa
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/giraffe/index.html
- National Museum of Namibia rock art exhibition
- http://www.natmus.cul.na/events/rockart/index.htm
- Public rock art sites of southern Africa's central interior (South Africa - part of the National Museum Rock Art Department)
- http://www.nasmus.co.za/rockart/sites.HTM
- Rock art : the Rock Paintings of the Upper Brandberg (Namibia)
- http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/praehist/africa/
- Rock art of Twyfelfontein, Namibia
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/
- Rock art of western Central Africa
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/congo/index.html
- Rock Art Research Institute, University of the Witwatersrand
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/rari/index.html
- Southern African Rock Art (Steve Lonker web site)
- http://www.lonker.net/art_african_1.htm
- Trust for African Rock Art (TARA)
- http://www.africanrockart.org/
Asia :
- Cave paintings of India
- http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/rockpain/index.htm
- Images of lost Civilization : the ancient rock art of Upper Tibet
- http://www.asianart.com/articles/rockart/index.html
- Kalimanthrope, Le (in french, parts in english - Groupe de recherche pluridisciplinaire sur Kalimantan, Borneo)
- http://www.kalimanthrope.com/
- Northern Tibet Exploration: Archaeological discoveries of the Changthang circuit expedition 1999 (a preliminary report)
- http://www.asianart.com/articles/tibarcheo/index.html
- Prehistoric rock paintings of Bhimabetaka (India)
- http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/rockpain/betaka.htm
- Rock art of Lake Namtso, Tibet
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/tibet/index.html
Australia and Pacific :
- Ancient Hawaiian Petroglyphs (United States)
- http://www.alohafriends.com/Lanai_petroglyphs.html
- Australian Rock Art Research Association
- http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/aura/web/index.html
- Easter Island rock art and Statues
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/easter/index.html
Europe :
- Age du Bronze : 1300 ans d'histoire en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (France; follow 'art rupestre' link)
- http://bclist.club.fr/Pacabrze/index.htm
- Arte parietal paleolítico (in spanish, rock art in Spain)
- http://www.elestrecho.com/arte-sur/paleo.htm
- British Rock Art Collection
- http://rockartuk.fotopic.net/
- Cave art in Siberia (Russia)
- http://www.priroda.net/schoolclub/rock.html
- Chauvet Pont-d'Arc cave (France)
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/chauvet/index.html
- EURA, rock art in the Alps ( with links to some sites on rock art in the alps : Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France)
- http://www.rupestre.net/alps
- EuroPreart : European Prehistoric Art (on prehistoric art from Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, online database)
- http://europreart.net/index.htm
- La grotte Chauvet Pont d'Arc (France)
- http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/fr/index.html
- La grotte de Lascaux (France; in french and english)
- http://www.culture.fr/culture/arcnat/lascaux/fr/index.html
- La Pintura Prehistorica Levantina ("Pla del Castell" a Tavertet (Osona, Catalunya, Spain))
- http://pinturesprehistoriques.cjb.net/
- Mont Bego petroglyphs (France; from the Alpine Art web site)
- http://rupestre.net/alps/bego.html
- Newgrange and megalithic art (United Kingdom)
- http://www.pi.net/~vmmreijs/eng/newgrang.htm
- Northumberland Rock Art, Web access to the Beckensall archive (United Kingdom)
- http://rockart.ncl.ac.uk/
- Palaeolithic art in France
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/clottes/
- Prehistoric temples of Malta
- http://www.art-and-archaeology.com/malta/malta.html
- Rock Art in the British Landscape
- http://groups.msn.com/rockartinthebritishlandscape
- Rotstekeningen in Bohuslän (Sweden's east coast rock art - in dutch)
- http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/adorant/index.html
- Tanums Hällristningsmusuem (Museum and Rock Art Research Centre, english and swedish)
- http://www.ssfpa.se/
- Val Camonica rock art (numerous links to rock art resources and to Valcamonica art, Italy)
- http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/2384/index.html
- Walking on the rock art paths/Sui sentieri dell'arte rupestre (educational rock art site created by middle-school children - in italian)
- http://www.comune.torino.it/servizi-educativi/
Middle East :
- Archéologie et art rupestre en Djezireh syrienne. Mission de Khishâm
- Campagne 2001. Art rupestre : http://www.espasoc.org/khi_5rup.html
- Campagne 2002. Art rupestre à Khishâm-2 : http://www.espasoc.org/2002/hem_5khi.html
- Campagne 2002. Art rupestre à Kefra : http://www.espasoc.org/2002/hem_6kfr.html
- Campagne 2003. Art rupestre à Khishâm-1, Secteur 3 : http://www.espasoc.org/2003/he3_9kh1.html
- Campagne 2003. Art rupestre à Khishâm-2 : http://www.espasoc.org/2003/he3_8kh2.html
- Campagne 2003. Art rupestre à Kefra : http://www.espasoc.org/2003/he3_10kf.html
- Campagne 2004. Art rupestre à Kefra : http://www.espasoc.org/2004/he4_9kf.html
- Campagne 2004. L'art rupestre du Hemma : http://www.espasoc.org/2004/he4_12bi.html
- Campagne 2004. L'art rupestre de Khishâm-1-Sud et Nord : http://www.espasoc.org/2004/he4_8kh1.html
- Campagne 2005. Archéologie et art rupestre à Bashkoy : http://www.espasoc.org/2005/he5_6bsk.html
- Campagne 2005. Art rupestre à Kefra : http://www.espasoc.org/2005/he5_7kf.html
- Campagne 2005. Art rupestre à 'b n-Naga : http://www.espasoc.org/2005/he5_9abn.html
- Campagne 2005. Art rupestre à al-Harbawi : http://www.espasoc.org/2005/he5_10hrb.html
- Campagne 2005. Art rupestre à Kon Attar : http://www.espasoc.org/2005/he5_11kna.html
North America :
- A Guided Tour of Coso Rock Art (California)
- http://www.farwestern.com/rockart/
- American Rock Art Research Association (United States)
- http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/Comp/Bill/ARARA/
- An outline of Utah Rock Art
- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5579/utahrockart.html
- Burro Flats, Chumash Rock Art (California, United States)
- http://www.le.ac.uk/cgi-bin/tab_int/server/docs/ar/image_collection/
- Carrot Men site (rock art, Colorado, United States)
- http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bclee/rockart/carrot1.html
- Cave paintings of Baja California (United States)
- http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/baja/index.html
- Chumash Rock Art (California, United States)
- http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/Comp/Bill/chumash.html
- Deer Valley rock art Center
- http://www.asu.edu/clas/anthropology/dvrac/
- Eastern States Rock Art Research Association (United States)
- http://www.public.asu.edu/~rexweeks/Eastern_States_Rock_Art_Re.htm
- Grand Canyon Polychrome Pictographs (Arizona, United States)
- http://www.xmission.com/~mkallen/gcpoly/gcpoly2.html
- Les Pétroglyphes de Saint-Victor - The Saint-Victor Petroglyphs (Canada)
- http://collections.ic.gc.ca/petroglyphes/
- Les sites rupestres de la forêt boréale, Québec (Canada)
- http://www.mcc.gouv.qc.ca/pamu/champs/archeo/
- Links to rock-art sites
- http://www.rock-art.com/links.htm
- Mockingbird Canyon : rock art (California)
- http://www.le.ac.uk/cgi-bin/tab_int/server/docs/ar/image_collection/
- Palatki : 6000 Years of Arizona Rock Art (United States)
- http://www.redrockcountry.org/rec-palatki.htm
- Petroglyphs and rock art : Los Lunas, Valencia County, New Mexico (United States)
- http://www.wcp-nm.com/rockart/
- Petroglyphs and rock Paintings (United States; Arizona, California, New Mexico, Utah, Mexico))
- http://www.execpc.com/~jcampbel
- Petroglyphs US (Rock art sites in California, the adjacent southwest and Northern Baja)
- http://www.petroglyphs.us/
- Rock art acoustics
- http://www.geocities.com/capeCanaveral/9461/
Rock Art around the U.S.
- http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/rockart/unitedstates.html
- Rock Art at Rice
- http://www.ruf.rice.edu/%7Eraar/index2.html
- Rock art, Brian Lee's page (Colorado, Utah)
- http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bclee/rockart/
- Rock Art Foundation (San Antonio, Texas, United States)
- http://www.rockart.org/
- Rock Art in Arkansas (United States)
- http://rockart.uark.edu/
- Rock Art of Baja California (Mexico) and Coso (California, United States)
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/coso/index.html
- Rock Art of the Southwest (United States)
- http://rockart.esmartweb.com/
- Rock Art pages (Arizona, Colorado, Utah)
- http://www.jqjacobs.net/rock_art/
- Rock art pages (rock art from west and southwest US)
- http://www.jqjacobs.net/rock_art/
- Rock art studies : a bibliographic database
- http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/collections/rockart.html
- San Emigdio Trip - California
- http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/Comp/Bill/Chumash/sanem.html
- Sego Canyon Rock Art Site (Utah, United States)
- http://www.so-utah.com/green/segocny/homepage.html
- Southwestern United States Rock Art Gallery
- http://net.indra.com/~dheyser/rockart.html
- Stone watch - the world of petroglyphs
- http://www.stonewatch.de/
- TOMOL : An On-Line Archive of Digital Images of Rock Art from the Western United States
- http://humanities.ucsc.edu/tomol/
- Upper Midwest Rock Art Research Association (UMRARA; United States)
- http://www.tcinternet.net/users/cbailey/
- Utah Rock Art Research Association (URARA; United States)
- http://www.utahrockart.org/
South and Central America :
- Arte rupestre : Carib, Venezuela
- http://www.astroaborigen.org/advertencia.htm
- Arte Rupestre: Pinturas rupestres y petroglifos
- http://www.rupestre.com.ar/
- Bolivian rock art Research Society : rock art in Bolivia at the Bradshaw Foundation
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/bolivia/index.html
- Bolivian Rock Art Research Society - the official web site
- http://www.siarb-bolivia.org/
- Rock art of Campeche and other Islands (Brazil)
- http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/
- Rupestre (annual publication of GIPRI especialized in rock art of Colombia and Latin America)
- http://members.fortunecity.com/rupestre/index.html
- Rupestre Web : arte rupestre en America Latina (rock art from : Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela)
- http://rupestreweb.tripod.com/
Suggest a new site
Newgrange, Ireland The carved monolith at the entrance © McDeil, http://www.megalithic.co.uk